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- Richard Freshwater

A Message From Richard Freshwater
Hi! I'm Rich and this is my Little Brother, Amarie. For the past four years I've had the pleasure of watching Amarie grow into an awesome young man. I'm a Big Brother because I want to DEFEND HIS POTENTIAL. Along the journey, my family and friends have gotten to know Amarie through our antics, travels and just being "family." Amarie has a great future ahead and looks to go to school for culinary arts. When I first met Amarie he was super shy, quiet and reserved. Over the past four years I've gotten to witness his flower blossom and see him become a more open and confident young man...and you've all gotten to witness along with me.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Cincinnati has been there to support Amarie, his mother and me throughout our journey. My agency contact, Melissa....is simply one of the best!! But...providing this support and making matches possible doesn't happen without the resources to do so. Each match costs approximately $1,200 so I'm setting a goal to get one more kid matched so they can blossom like Amarie. Won't you consider helping me achieve this goal? I will match each gift (up to $600 in total) so all it would take is 12 gifts of $50 each or 24 gifts of $25 each. Please consider helping a child blossom! Let's support BBBS together...I do through my efforts with Amarie and with my own personal gifts. Thank you!!!
raised of $1,200 goalTHANK YOU! WE DID IT!

In Support of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Cincinnati
We create life-changing friendships by matching adult mentors with at-risk Tri-State children in need of positive role models. We partner with parents and guardians, volunteers and others in the community, and hold ourselves accountable for each child in our program. Statistics show these Little Brothers and Sisters have higher aspirations, greater confidence, do better in school and avoid risky behaviors.