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- Ted Wehry

A Message From Ted Wehry
As most of you know, I have been involved with Big Brothers Big Sisters through an opportunity with my employer The Matrix Companies for the past 5 years. It is my privilege to be able to spend an hour a week with my friend Deshon during the school year. It is my hope that Deshon feels the same. It is my goal to make an impact by being a positive role model to Deshon and be someone that he can confide in and depend on. Deshon already has a family that Loves him and I am glad that I can be there for additional support and guidance. I can definitely see the difference that my support makes in Deshon's behavior, confidence and academic improvement!
As most of you also know, I am the youngest of 8 siblings. My family lost our Dad when I was 6 years old. My incredible mother raised us all as a single parent. My family, living in the inner city of Covington, Kentucky without even a family car and financially challenged to say the least, was blessed to have the constant support of extended family and many people in our Community. It was those people that my family can now look back on and know that They were the DEFENDERS OF OUR POTENTIAL!
Being involved in Big Brothers and Big Sisters has given me the opportunity to now Pay it Forward and to Give Back. I have now become the DEFENDER! Can you please help me and my fellow mentors at Big Brothers Big Sisters to BE DENFENDERS OF POTENTIAL by Donating to this incredibly impactful cause!?And of course, any amount is most appreciated and will go a long way in helping create another incredible match like mine. Thank you all!
To Volunteer your Talents call
BBBS - Greater Cincinnati 513-421-4120
BBBS - Butler County - 513-867-1227
raised of $1,200 goal5

In Support of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Cincinnati
We create life-changing friendships by matching adult mentors with at-risk Tri-State children in need of positive role models. We partner with parents and guardians, volunteers and others in the community, and hold ourselves accountable for each child in our program. Statistics show these Little Brothers and Sisters have higher aspirations, greater confidence, do better in school and avoid risky behaviors.